Monday, July 26, 2021

A Strange Kind of Something

A couple months ago God told me to do something. Before you question my sanity, you should know I'm not hearing audible voices (though I can't say that would be a red flag). I got this feeling I was supposed to do something. It was a strange kind of something, so I said, "God, if this is really what You'd like me to do, I will run it past Scott. If Scott doesn't give me a hard time, I know You are speaking." I ran my strange kind of something past Scott, and he did indeed agree. Okay, we were set. Then, something happened. It was something that indicated we might want to wait on "the thing". Then, something else happened, another thing that indicated we might want to wait. But, I felt so strongly this is what God wanted me to do! We even did that thing where you say to one another, "Hey, looks like God wants us to wait on that." "Yeah, I was thinking the same thing." So, we waited. Life went on without much changing. Except, I was uneasy. The smallest things were troubling me. I began not sleeping. The normal ups and downs of life, of our home, were weighing heavily on me. I decided to talk to Scott about it one evening. As we talked, guess what-- the thing, that strange kind of something I was supposed to do came up-- it seemed --out of nowhere. Is that what had been making me so tense? The fact I had dismissed it?

Well, I did it the next day. And the heaviness, the uneasiness, the irritation left. I'm telling you, nothing like this has ever happened to me before. It was the strangest thing-- stranger than the thing God had asked me to do! But, as I was out walking a day or two later, it occurred to me what a tremendous blessing it all was. You see, I hadn't obeyed. It took me a few days to connect the dots, but the Holy Spirit wasn't leaving me alone until I did. God wanted something in my life to change. I had allowed circumstances to distract me from making the change; I thought it was "proof" the change was unnecessary. But I was looking at it with my eyes instead of my faith. Ever do a trust fall? To say you trust someone, but never actually fall back into their arms is not trust. Faith without obedience is no kind of faith at all.

So what's your thing? What is it you believe God is calling you to do that you haven't done yet? What is it He has confirmed over and over again that you just don't think is necessary? Do it! Speak to that person. Give that extra money. Walk another mile. Whatever it is that has seemed so illogical or unnecessary, but God keeps putting it in your ear and on your heart? Do it! Do that strange kind of something. 

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