Saturday, June 9, 2018

What's It Worth?

My grandmother wore a black onyx ring for years. She was determined that I was to have it when she passed. She repeated that promise over and over to anyone who would listen. Years later I got that ring, but my constant wearing of it, under any and all circumstances, took its toll. The ring needed repair. I took it to one of those chain jewelry stores. "It would cost more to fix than the ring is worth," said the man who greeted me before I'd gotten more than ten feet past the door. I said nothing, turned and left. Material value aside, that ring meant something to me because it meant so much to my grandmother that I have it. It had never occurred to him someone might be willing to pay more than the ring is worth to have it repaired; it had never, apparently, occurred to him the ring might have a value much greater than the worth of its parts.

My old truck (aka The Pig Mobile) was the same to me -- "sentimental value," I guess you could call it. We have invested more in our home than we will probably ever see if we sell; and our customization of it might actually detract from out bottom line. Emotions never make good financial advisers.

About two thousand years ago, what might appear to be the champion of bad investments was made. The God of the universe sent His only Son to earth. That same Son yielded Himself to His Father's plan as well as to the hateful, self-serving machinations of humanity. A kind and loving Teacher who, because of His great love, called people to a higher plane, called people to love even their enemies and be servants of all. A generous and engaging Laborer who challenged the spiritual elite and embraced beggars and thieves. A Lamb who relinquished His role as Lion; a Servant who relinquished His entitlement as King to give humanity what they needed most -- Life. His life.

He laid down all He had for those who despised and rejected Him. He gave the ultimate sacrifice for those who would not give Him a decent cup of water or an ounce of respect. His desire was for souls. Souls to spare, souls to bless, souls to make new, souls to do the same -- to lay down their lives -- to bring more souls. A terrible investment, no doubt. But that did not stop God.

It is His deep love for each of us that explains such a lavish and nonsensical redemption. It is the eternal value so extravagant He imposes on those in peril. It is a grace so amazing, so unfathomable that is His very character. It is the price only a BIG God can withstand and only a magnanimous God would pay. It is the precious worth He gives to all -- to me, to you.

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