Monday, June 4, 2012

Wanted: DEAD

Acts 20:24 ~

"However, I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me —the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace."

In June 2009, I began Broken To Breathless.  I felt it was something God wanted me to do.  I'm still not convinced He would have me abandon it, but several months ago the "inner voice" I've come to trust as the Holy Spirit within me said, "It's time to stop writing about this, and go out and live it." 

So, that's what I've been doing -- slowly stepping out of my comfort zone, reaching beyond my family and close friends, and walking without fear.  My goal, Lord willing, is to share with you all my journey of obedience and my discovery of life.  But just so you know, it begins with death.

The Lord blesses each of us; there is no doubt.  As I walk through the woods on crisp fall mornings, or past dewy, manicured lawns in the spring, it occurs to me that all of this is a miracle.  Genesis 3 tells us that because of mankind's sin, poverty, failure, death and decay were allowed to freely roam the earth; we chose that over relationship with a perfectly loving Father!  Based on our choice, we should never even have the experience of love, or fragrant flowers, or vibrant colors, or the warmth of a child's hug.  But God, in his infinite mercy and abundant grace has held the consequences of our choice in check, and allowed us the pleasures of life amidst our preference for death!  Somewhere along the line we become grateful for that, and if your experience is anything like mine, it begins like a spark inside your spirit, and slowly grows to a raging fire -- one that cannot be contained, one that shines from the windows of your eyes and stokes the engine of your heart.

Three years ago, the blessings of family, and health, and happiness lit my spark -- the spark that led to Broken To Breathless.  As I wrote, I searched the Scriptures for applicable verses, or to double-check my amateur theology; the pages of God's Word caught that spark and stoked a great fire.  I loved studying the Bible!  God's Word was with Scott and I as we returned to my home church, dealt with family situations, launched our own business in a terrible economy, tithed of our money and time to individuals and charities, and began experiencing a true evolution of faith.  We share the Gospel of Jesus Christ whenever we can, but not just in words and not just within our own circle.  The Gospel is living, and while it requires a certain amount of meditation and study -- hearts and minds, it requires arms and legs, hand and feet.  The Gospel is hugging those to whom you never thought you'd speak.  The Gospel is feeding those with whom you never thought you'd share your table.  The Gospel is putting away all pretense, eliminating any preconceived notions, tearing down all walls, and dying to self -- becoming the arms and legs, hands and feet of Christ!

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